Sticky Shifter

I'm wondering if the throwout bearing isn't making some contact when disengaged.

You said you have 1 inch of pedal play, but I'm not sure that with your diaphragm style clutch that the play is an indicator that the t/o bearing is fully disengaging.

Did you remove the over the center spring from your clutch pedal with the mcleod clutch?

Do you have the solid brass pilot shaft insert or the roller bearing insert at the back of your crank?
Just wondering if you have the roller bearing type that may have given up the ghost.

You know I have the identical clutch set up in my 67 barracuda as well.
I just recently removed my over the center spring.

I too heard some of these noises while in gear but the noise seems to have subsided since I removed the pedal spring.

The only problem I am having with mine is that while under heavy load it is hard for me to pull the gear shifter out of first into second.

I saw a tech article in mopar muscle which talked about a modification to extend the pedal to bellcrank (z-bar) rod by 1" to get greater separation.

I have a feeling that my throwout bearing is wearing out and I have a feeling yours might be as well.

I'd get your buddy to pull the trans and inspect that T/O bearing first, then look at other things as mentioned, also look at your driveshaft length and make sure it is not jamming your transmission guts forward during axle wind up which can screw things up like your transmission bearings, thrust bearing etc.

yeah man 4 speeds are fun as hell but a killer automatic sound real good when having 4 speed problems.
I too have thought the same thoughts especially when having issues with all these darn moving parts, linkages and crap.

Good luck Ax and keep us posted.

You always get this crap sorted out, and boy do you get some doozies that we all can learn from.