Indy 415 Small Block

Well, I guess I kinda sorta got an answer on something. This is my very first build at age 54. Hoping to pick some experienced brains in reference to a fairly specific package. 68 Dart. 3:23 to 3:55 gear. Once or twice a year I will take it to Pay-n-Play night a IRP. Not a daily driver just an expensive Tonka Toy. 15 inch tires as wide as possible in back. 4 speed. Power steering and brakes, disc/drum. I want to pull up to any pump in the country and use the best fuel they have. I don't want to turn 7000 RPM to utilize the power. I want the most power (torque?) under the hood as I can buy in a small block based package whether it's completely done for me or I assemble the finished components myself. I'd like to get it for free. Failing that I have a budget of about 7K or so. That is flexable depending on what a little extra is worth. A built, crated and shipped engine or parts in a box, either is fine. Indy appears to be out? Are there any knowledgable, experienced recommendations out there in reference to such a package that don't piss everybody off? I realize that 15,000 people will run 8,000 different combinations for various reasons. But there should be some fairly close setups in regards to what my application is going to be. More powerful than most (but not all) yet dependable enough that I don't have to worry about freshening it up for another 50 thousand miles unless I do something stupid. Thanks. Can't we all just get along?