Indy 415 Small Block

It's usually the same posters that tend to get things off track. Don't worry about pissing ther est of the world off. If you need to get a certain result, then build what you have to in order to get that result. Pump gas, power brakes. and reliability seem to be it. $7K if you have nothing to start with is a little low IMO but I'm know to be expensive when i quote reality. I've shipped shortblocks coast to coast and you should be able to get it shipped for somewhere around $250-300, plus the crating fee if there is one. The heavier it is, the more cash, so I think Brian's quotes pretty close to dead nuts. In terms of packages... I think a decent cast crank, cheap rods, good pistons, and the RHS heads would be fine. Build conservatively and accept what it will do for ETs and you'll be fine.