Adoption part DUX

Close Mike
Bacon, Eggs from our chickens and Biscuits. They will start school in the next couple of days. I still need to finish the master BR but its coming along. I should have the second Bath finish this weekend.
You would not reconize this place since you were here last. The trailer is now gone and we have 5 bedrooms. 3 full baths and a Garage(YEAH).
You have been a busy fellow native Frank :cheers:
I just got dun boiling water for some oat meal and moving toward the toaster so I have something to spread some Strawberry preserves on my aunt made =P~. I wish I had some raisons to put in my oat meal, I got hooked on doing that back in the day :happy10: enjoy and move smart while working :happy10: I know how young you are not :toothy10: