Removing Windows from Doors

Not sure if your windows are the same as the ones on my Duster, but the strip on the top of the window (behind the door panels) will need to be removed. There are I think 3 or 4 7/16th bolts holding this strip down. Also you will need to remove the bolt that holds the piston in place so you can get the window out of the door. On the window itself there should be some 7/16th nuts that will need to be removed. I had to use the handle and guide the window up and down (make sure you hold the window while you remove these screws) and there are a couple of metal and plastic braces that are located at the bottom of the window. it helps to have a swivel socket to reach these bolts. once you remove all of this you should be able to easily and slowly guide the window out of the door. You may have to start by removing the front section first and kind of maneuver the window up and out. Be careful and take your time do not force the window out. you should find that it is an easy process once you remove it.Those U shaped brackets on the windows are there to help the window stay tight when it is rolled up. Hope this helps!!