need help removing KH pistons

So far I have gotten three of the eight pistons out to rebuild my Kelsy-Hayes calipers for my wagon but the other five are being very stubborn.

anyone have any tips to remove these? Im ready to start swapping the discs and 8.75 in but cannot untill these are rebuilt.

I threw my calipers in a bucket of diesel for a bout 6 months. They came apart pretty good. Compressed air through the bleeder or brake line helps pop the pistons out.Your usual blower may be restricted to about 30 psi. Not enough so I built a blowtool out of a hollow pushrod and an air fitting. You may need 80 -90 or over to pop that piston out.

If they are stuck; there is a groove at the top of the piston meant for the dust boot lip. Use 2 wide tip pry bars and gently rock the piston out of it's bore while prying up on both bars.. Lots of pb blaster helped. I mounted my caliper in a vise to do this operation. There are some pics on my restoration thread.

They can be a real bear.