Hello from Germany

WOW, Mario, did that ever bring back some memories!! Yup, Wild Willi and the Mafia Mouse, Mike Barnett and the 57 Chevy, and in one of the photos a nice Sublime Green Demon running against an orange Superbee. That green machine was driven by Cpl Bob Swiggart, 4th Service Batalion, Canadian Army stationed in Lahr / Schwartzwald. Him and I ran together with the US soldier boys every weekend we weren't working during the summer. We'd usually run one weekend at Hanau and the next weekend at Sembach with SATA (Sembach Auto Timing Association), just outside Kaiserslautern. I thought all the German beer I drank in those days had probably killed any memory cell I had, but I guess not. :) Thanks for the great memories Mario from the Crazy Canuck!!