74 Duster "My Way"

Sorry sixxer ... as I said before, I'm not trying to bash anybody. I'm just inherently honest and have always "called 'em as I see 'em." I may not always have good news to report, but what I tell you can be banked on.

Look at it this way: I could've let this pass by without a comment, and you'd put your motor back together ... the water pump, the pulleys, the fan, the radiator, shroud, tranny cooler lines, etc., etc., etc. And then have to spend a few hours ripping it all back out of there when that pump started puking antifreeze all over your driveway.

I figure it's better to be the Devil's Advocate and let you know about potential problems in advance instead of finding out about them when you're alongside the road somewhere after the fact. Now you'll have a few gallons of water in the trunk just in case. :-D

I'm not on this board just to take your money and send you back pretty parts. I was just a 'regular' member here for over three years before I hung my shingle and Joey gave me that Vendor icon over there. If there's something I can offer in the way of tech advice or help, I'll do it even though what I have to say may not necessarily be considered "good news."

I hope you understand.