!!! Charles Manson !!!

I had a car phone in my back in the late 70's. They were actually called "Radio Phones', but you could call any landline from it.
There was a push button (key) on the handset that you had to push to talk, release to listen. When you had a conversation, each time you were getting ready to release to listen, you had to say "Over" (similar to using a Ham radio).

The picture of the CB above looks very similar to the part of the car phone that was mounted under the dash. But, there was a large transmitter box that went in the truck. It was about 18" square, and about 5" tall, with about half a dozen heavy wires, and a good sized antenna mounted the car.

It worked well, but it's nothing like the cell phones we have now. My iPhone has about the same, or more, computing power as NASA's computers did during the first moon landing!