When did you start forgetting?

Actually I'm finding that at my age (more than 50 but less than 55) I'm starting to remember things that have happened to me and it's scaring the hell out of me. This all started about a year ago, hell just last night I woke up in a cold sweat and remembered my dream. I was tearing the hell out of the football field behind my old high school (always hated that field) in my 69 Runner with my latest conquest in my right arm and a fresh beer held between my legs. We left there and took off to Calgary to take in a drive in movie, I loved drive inns, and when we pulled up to the gate the admission sign read 14 years and under get in free. Here comes the scary part cuss she said she gets in free and I'm sure I pissed my pants, figured her for at least 18 hell she was tall and built and we we're walking into bars together.

I guess this is where waking up in a cold sweat comes in so beware of your past people and I thought I killed enough brain cells to forget my past.8)