
I wish I had something interesting to post. Unfortunately my Barracuda has been sitting in the garage since summer with a brand new engine and stuck valves. I can't get the radiator out without messing up the front piece of the engine bay because of the way the shop mounted it. I can't pull the heads because the header flanges are in the way of the head bolts. (I could probably get them off, but there is no way I'd be able to get a torque wrench on the bolts to reinstall them). I don't have any friends that are into cars to help me out, so I'm saving money to have a shop do the work. It's going to cost about $800 - $1000 is what I'm hearing so far, plus whatever it takes to fix the valves and hopefully the pistons weren't damaged when (if???) they smacked the valves. Plus explaining to the wife why I have to spend MORE money on this thing won't be pleasant, so I'm making the money "on the side." Hope to have it running by the end of Feb.

There, now that's out of my system so I'll return to my regularly scheduled lurking:)
