John Lennon's passing - 30 yrs today

I am a Brit ( Canada transplant ). Unless your roots are UK, well John Lennon and his mates really won't resonate in the same way. John was, and always will be a part of who we are as a nation,The United Kingdom, and more importantly, who we are as a people. He represented a brilliant mind,wit, critical self awareness, humour and an unparalleled penetrating perspective on the world in which he lived. In so many ways John was, to us, an older brother, and friend, or that person you would have chosen for those roles in your life. He wasn't perfect. Who is? But it didn't matter.
I've met the Lennons some years ago. The salt of the earth people. John's only real mistake was two fold. Marrying Yoko Ono ( talentless parasite who continues non stop in that capacity ), and living in the US. Had he remained in the UK, John would still be alive. No question. It took an armed worthless mental case in NYC to destroy such beauty.