John Lennon's passing - 30 yrs today

way to go Green1, get everyone all

I was only about 14 when he was murdered, got the news from Al Michaels during Monday Night Football. I was sort of anti-beatles when I was a kid, only from the immature standpoint that they were old news and overplayed. I couldn't figure out why people still liked them, when KISS was "clearly" so much better. Then I grew up. He was a gifted man with an unbelievable talent. A truly timeless artist.

semi-related sidenote-, Has anyone seen the movie "Across the Universe" ? It's very surreal musical, in similar manner of Sgt. Pepper, based entirely on Beatle music and loaded obscure references. First time I saw it, I though it was stupid, but my daughter loves it so I was coerced into watching it again and it really grew on me. I'd love to hear the opinion of a true Beatles fan.