John Lennon's passing - 30 yrs today

Wasn't a fan of his political **** ; but if I let an artist's political views affect my favour of their artistic-contributions , more than 90% of my music collection wouldn't exist . Remember the "Free John Sinclair" concert deal in Decembre 1971 ? Sinclair was the founder of the White Panther Party ( Caucasian wing of the Black Panthers ; were behind the Black Panthers 100% ) , and was also the manager of the MC5 ; they're one of my top 10 fave bands ever ; don't give a **** about their ploitical associations .

Nevertheless , here's one of my fave solo Lennon songs . It used to scare me as a kid ( I was 4 when this song came out ) , as I thought he was trying to tell everyone about an alien invasion ! ( lol ) .

Enjoy !
[ame=""]YouTube - John Lennon - # 9 Dream[/ame]