If your into video games, check this out!

I chose a PS3 because of the Blu-Ray and the better hardware...I've always been a PS guy. Xbox has a better "community" and probably better game selection, but those characteristics aren't as important to me.

Besides, I figured Bill Gates was getting enough of my money already :)

same here.....xbox has some cool features and a few games I wouldnt mind playing that ps3 does not offer and PS3 is a bit more expensive but its actually the better system.

one of the reason being is that the blu ray drive has a single layer blu ray lens which allows it to play video game discs with over 25GB of game content..... where as the xbox 360 only has a double layer dvd drive which only allows it to play game discs with a max of 8.25GB of content I believe it is.

so you are talking around 16GB more graphics,detail,sound and other stuff....it does not mean the game content is any different or that a ps3 game is longer than an xbox game....it just means that on the PS3 they have more freedom to put more back ground details in the game and to perfect graphics and sound effects and stuff.

how ever...that will all change soon. when the xbox 720 (or whatever they end up calling it) comes out its said that it will have ATLEAST a blu ray drive in it......but there has also been talk that the new playstation and xbox consoles will not be disc based console and that games will come on USB jump drives. what this would mean is an almost endless storage capacity for game content,better graphics and sound that could fully utilize the potential of the system itself. and minimal to NO loading times. and also what would be a huge factor is it would increase the longevity of the systems being that there is really no mechanical internals......no spinning disc and motorized trays means no moving parts to wear out.

anyhow, sorry for rambling on LOL