2 sets of heads for sb. can you help?

it seems like you have some issues to be dealt with accordingly. i have said nothing to you, nor do i know you. i did not say your answers were right or wrong. i do not know who pissed in your coffee, but it was not me, and i plea the fifth

too late for the 5th.....

im cracking a beer and waiting on the verdict

you got some decent info....then you say they door stops....

I take the the time like many to try and help/offer good info/advice and some empty headed douche nozzle come in and plays it all off like its a joke...

I rarely feel anything good is transmitted to the op these days, too many people saying ''fuk learning, just spend!''

You pissed me off with the door stop comment, thats where that came from.

and btw I don't speak for my friend wade, he speaks for himself.

I just keep seeing sellers on here pickin brains like they're building something, but most likely...they are just using the info to make $$$$, basically selling off anything we here have helped to fix or plan combo wise.