Installing temp guage sensor(aftermarket)
no need to drill, tap, cut or anything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! there is a plug in the water jacket right here!!!!
Hey, guys. Thanks all around!
Well, I got all excited and ran outside to check and now I'm bummed again. I remember that plug from 2yrs ago when I put in the trio gauges. I was going to try to put the oil line there. I didn't know what was behind that plug, oil or water. I tried taking it out back then and it wouldn't budge.
I went and looked at the plug just now and unlike the one in the picture (which looks to me like a 3/8 plug), mine looks like it's 1/4", just like the hole in the head. In other words, same issue different spot:angry7:.
Cudamark, after sleeping on it I'm not so eager to drill. Mainly because I'm a poor man and I can't take the risk. I honestly think I could do it, but a mistake would be costly. This is my primary ride.
I'd almost have to get a different waterneck, wouldn't I? The one I have looks like it's too small to go poking a 1 inch probe in it.
I was at O'reillys today and asked about the radiater hose coupling (another great idea). The guy has been there a long time and didn't know what I was talking about. I bet the guy at the local NAPA will, though.
I'll keep ya'll posted.