Lets see your dogs!

Our newfie Belle
4th one, have a couple pictures of the 3rd one when she was a puppy, but no scanner so none of her. Just as cute as the Bermese mountain dog up there. She weighed 170 lbs when we had to put her down because of two torn tendons in her knees from just growing way too fast. She was ginormous, and it was all muscle. In comparison Belle only weighs 110.
This one was a rescue dog from a divorce. The husband got her and had a tiny apartment that he couldn't keep her in. This is easily our smartest newf yet (Canadian jokes anyone?) I showed her high five once and she picked it up. However she is easily the most stubborn of the 4. Loves snow and absolutely adores car rides. (she knows the word ride quite well. also, my car, dad's car, mom's car and will go to the correct one I'll be taking somewhere if I tell her which one to go to) also chases and barks at vacuum cleaners and snow shovels.