What is the one thing at work you hate more than anything?

I despise :

- Sandbaggers ( those whom purposely drag their *** and make others have to pick up the slack )
- White Collar Honkies ( the " I-have-a-management-degree-and-zero-experience " types )
- 200,000 + miles on the mal-maintained vehicles ( REALLY bad when you work for an auto parts store !!! )
- Being short-handed ( I'm sorry ... a multi-million-dollar company CAN afford to hire help !!!! )
- Working on Sunday ( because some ***-hat-sandbagger complained that he had to work Sundays ; called H.R. , whom in turn called the manager of the store , telling him to split Sundays . I'll refer-back to 'White Collar Honkies' for the synopsis ... )
- Dealing with the public ( I already have a problem with 99% of society anyhow )
- Dealing with **** heads on the road ( I drive around 160 miles a day in L.A.-type traffic )

Things I Like :

- Great medical benefits
- huge discount on parts
- waterless urinals ( oh , wait ... that's called a "sink" ! )