' reserve not met'

Over 16% of us have no job.

Actually the reported percentage of unemployed is WAY low. The numbers published by the government only include those people who had a job where earnings were taxed and the employers paid into the unemployment insurance. There is a whole other category of people who are not counted in this.
people who get 1099's
those who went from full time to part time
those who hustled under the table
those people whose unemployment has run out
those who have given up looking for a job
self employed
those like myself who are "underemployed"
etc. etc. etc.
My guess is that the real figure is closer to 25 percent and here in FL it is probably higher as we are one of the top states for foreclosures

As far as what its worth...now that the gov. has said that we have had enough economic growth to be "out" of the recession a lot of people have jacked their prices to 2005-2006 levels. I took advantage of hard times and bought stuff anywhere from 30 to 60 cents on the dollar for my Dart. If I had been buying in 2005 I would have spent 10 grand but as it were I'm at about 5500.