' reserve not met'

GOOD GUESS but still a lil low more like 30 - 35%.....everyone MUST remember those published numbers ONLY reflect those that have recently applied for unemployment and those that are actively ON it NOW! the roll off's those that don't apply, the 1099'ers like you said THEY ARE NOT COUNTED or included in those published numbers!!!!! HENCE those published numbers do not reflect anything of value beyond "WHO'S ON IT NOW"
automobile repossessions are at a NEW VISTA!!! new companies are starting up just to handle the VOLUME!!!
250k homes in my neighborhood are short selling for 48k!!! I have not driven on one single city street in my tri county area that does not have at least ONE for sale sign on an empty home, often times more than one per block!!
want ads for jobs is down to two pages and most of them are min wage or commission based sales ....times re not good!!! and we have ZERO BUSINESS even thinkin of lending or sending ANYTHING that even looks like money or jobs offshore!!! ANYONE THAT PROMOTES THAT SILLINESS SHOULD BE SHOT AS A SUBVERSIVE TRAITOR!!!

Is it true that entire blocks of homes in Detroit area were selling for $1 a home a while back???