It's come a long way!

Thank you very much gals & guys. When you look at a before and after
pic at the same time it really tells the story.

Cheryl, dig up those pics and post them here. Tell you what, if anyone
else has some before and after shots, please post them here if you

Yes the hood, scoop and support rods came from AAR.

Also, thanks for the garage comments. Not only is it a home for the cars,
it doubles as a great place to have Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years
with the family.

LOLOLOL your man cave "doubles " as a "family Hall" HAD to be nice!!! or the fam will talk about you inviting them over to hang in the "garage" LMAO!!!!
That will get you a night or three on the couch!!!!!

seriously...... nice work! I am getting ready to show my cuda project....but before I go hunting for the all the pics I have to focus on getting her ready for the Detroit Auto Rama........I have reviewed my Before & After and I dont believe its the same car.....AND I DID IT? lol