' reserve not met'

if the big three didn't let americans down for so many years then americans would not be buying foreign now. and some of those so called foreign cars are a lot more american then the american cars from the big three.. big three have no one but themselves to blame.

I wish it was JUST THAT simple, THAT would be EASY to fix!!!........just to give you something to think about....when the foreigns convinced OUR govt to open the doors on trade is when the workers & the unions went a lil sideways and so did the quality of domestic vehicles..... prior to that "American made" was the "standard" for the world!!!..... I have to believe they did not wring their hands say MUUUHHAAAAAAAA and deliberatley start making ****, just to disappoint America and lose market share like a bucket with no bottom....do they have some fault...YES!! do they have it all.... absolutely NOT! do they share fault with our govt, our media, oil cartels, foreign interests living in this country that REFUSE to buy american, etc etc etc.....our government/politicians have created quite
an "auto trade trick box " and it is going to take some significant "UN FKIN" to fix it. Presently the domestic quality is back where it was & should stay and there is not one single avg bracket foreign made vehicle that surpasses them. Additionally auto companies that are NOT domestically owned, (meaning owned BY a US citizen/s and registered in the US AS a US company where the profits are NOT shipped to the fatherland or motherland or offshore in anyway) are NOT ever to be MISTAKENLY CONSIDERED A US COMPANY or a DOMESTIC company...those profits still GO BACK to the country of origin!!! they are however tryin REAL hard to present themselves as AMERICA COMPANIES.....and they have some people BELIEVING THAT THEY ARE!!! THEY ARE NOT!!! AND THEY ARE NOT HELPING THE US ECONOMY ONE IOTA!!! They are leaches on our market, they pay a pittance in wages and salaries and for that investment they reap HUGE PROFITS THAT DEPART THE US AS SOON AS THE BANK CAN MAKE THE TRANSFER!!!!