' reserve not met'

the big three was putting garbage out before the foreign cars came thats for sure. that and the fact that detroit thought they could dictate what americans wanted instead of giving americans what they wanted. the big three did it to themselves. the foreign cars just happened to come along at the right time and gave the american public what it wanted. they won over buyers for whatever reason and now ya have generations of families that buy foreign. and i'll bet they will continue to buy foreign until they have a reason not to.

yes i agree big three cars or should i say big two (because chrysler isn't american yet again) cars are better then they have been in many many years. on par with the foreign cars? i don't know. guess that could be debated forever. i do know in my experience with american car delerships in my area that they suck compared to the toyota and honda dealerships in the area. the local chrysler dealers suck big time. they have the same bad attitude that have caused people go foreign for years. just got rid of that pile of crap magnum we had for a couple of years for another toyota. sorry but toyota treats me a ton better then chrysler ever did. and i have had no issues with the yota yet unlike that damn magnum which started its crap the first week we had it. chrysler lost my business most likely for life with the crap i had to go through just about every time i needed something done with the car. chrysler had the same garbage attitude when i bought a new shadow in 92, and a new dakota in 93. think they would have improved by 08. hell no. just as bad if not worse. like i said, i'm talking from my personal experience if others have had good experience with them thats cool i'm glad for ya.

oh brother.. don't give me the american registered company bull ****. so all those workers building cars in mexico and canada are helping the american ecomomy? i know the foreign cars being built in america are putting food on the plates of a lot of american families. those foreign car dealerships in america pay american families do they not?