Hey guy, frame opinion...
Haha, well first off I am glad you are all backing me up with this.
Second, Hemipar you arent a whimp by any means, I do see how you see it. Pros know what they are doing and I am just making a copy of the original frame. I would just do the same as 65s, if only I had a wrecking/junk yard near me that had a Dart. A place does but the frame is in just as bad as shape as the one I got now.
70dart said it in one sentence, 700 bucks for rear frame assembly to his door. The local chassis shop gave me a price quote of 2000 dollars plus I would be on a waiting list.
We dont deal with short or thin metals that often so me picking up pieces is easy. I was thinking 3/16 thick for the frame and 16 gague sheet metal for the floor boards or just aluminum for the floor, still deciding on that. Plus we have the nesscesary pipe benders and piping for a roll cage so I will talk to the boss on that as well.