Need some advice

Come on, guys. The poster is a newbee to slants and sounds like to engines in general, and just wants to warm up a street engine. This is my take, and recommendation.
You will need someone to help you. Remove the head, and have it milled to get about a 9.0 to 1 compression ratio. This modification will give the best "bang for the buck". There is no down side to doing this, except for the amount of work. It will increase engine power over the complete rpm range, and also improve fuel economy. Use a super six "stock mopar 2 bbl" intake manifold. Save your money and forget the headers, not enough gain for the money, in your aplication. Stay with the stock exhaust manifold, and have a exhaust shop build a low restriction exhaust system from the manifold back.
For a carb, PM Slantsixdan and see if he has a "NEW" carb that will work.
If you have he money, while the head is off, you could have a good valve job done (oversize valves are an option, but not required), and the "bowl" under the valve opened up (called pocket porting).
After this is is a mater of tuning, such as modifing the ign curve in the distributer.