Hockey fans

I agree for the most part with Nite Moves. Not on the OV thing though, 2 fights in 5 years?? He aint no fighter, but he can play a physical game of hockey. I have no issues with Crosby, he is one fantastic hockey player that Bettman is riding the hell out of. Hey its not rocket science that the US market is suffering, so Bettman has to do something. Florida has 2 teams??? WTF is that? Dallas?? Phoenix??No support down there whatsoever for hockey. Hey its just the way it is, but you can bet your *** that if a franchise was failing at one of their locations it sure wouldnt be too long before the doors were closed or it was sold! Crosby and Gretzky didnt invent the game but they sure as hell know how to play it! The NHL and Bettman are the ones ramming it down our throats, not them. Dont get me wrong here Train, but as much as I didnt like the style that Gretzky played, he was amazing!! He has more assists than anyone has total combined points, that should tell ya somethin. I like the physical style of hockey and prefer it when there is about 3 fights per game. When was the last time a Canadian team won the cup?? 93 Montreal wasnt it? I have been a life long leafs fan and will till the day I die, so when I was growing up I hated Montreal..thats just what ya did. Now though, any Canadian team makes it into the playoffs and I am cheering for them. So seeing how long the drought has been for Canada, bring back the Edmonton Gretzky's and the coke sniffin Grant Fuhr and cementhead Semenko, so at least Canada can have a taste of the cup....or I could just wait for the World Juniors and for Canada to exact some revenge on the US this year....