Lets see your dogs!

This is Skippy, Breed - Beagle, IQ - 12. that sound bad, but he is twice as smart as our last beagle, Ketchup. Ketchup liked to chase cars, but he wanted to lead them, he didn't know where they were going, but he wanted to be in front. The first time Ketchup got run over, we spent over $3000 to get him fixed up, broken hip, and 2 broken legs. It took him 2 years to get back up to speed and 2 1/2 years to get run over again. That was a pretty rough time for all of us, but especially the kids. One of the ladies in our office heard about it and called the plant owner's wife. She started calling breeders and showed up that very night with skippy in her purse. He was 8 weeks old and fit in my hand. He's not a replacement for Ketchup, more like a sequil.
My other dog is Max, half German Shepard, half sneaky neibor dog. I've had him longer than 2 of my kids and he is the designated "teacher" dog and property protection. He tolerates Skippy pretty well and plays with him like a puppy himself as long as no one is looking. Max came to us as a puppy (we're pretty sure he was dumped) and is just about the smartest dog I've ever seen. Both of the dogs are afraid of our two cats (the most arrogant creatures to walk this earth), but Max has a pathological hatred of large birds. When he sees a hawk or an owl, he starts growling and tears off into the woods after it. I don't know if he thinks he can fly or if he thinks the bird will drop down any second, but he never stops trying.