Hockey fans

People..people...Crosby is a great player...Yes. BUT there are alot of great players in the league. I agree when it comes down to commentators and Bettman on and on about Crosby. Remember....Hes not doing this its all the other idiots who dont really no anything about the game. As far as i see it...Fighting should be there and you wont have the cheap **** happening. Crosby wil drop the gloves and so will OV. This is one thing i have to say thats different than Gretzky...Hell Mario dropped them from time to time.............JM2C.........Go leafs Go........Some day

Sorry, but I have to disagree with this statement.

That is the main reason that I no longer watch NHL hockey. It sucks. Plain and simple. It's all about the money. Too many games, too many teams, and too many marginal players.

I doubt that there are even 20 great players in the league at this moment. I know that Vancouver doesn't have a great player. Maybe a few very good ones, like the Sedins and Luongo, but no great ones.

I've been a Bruins fan for decades, we did have some great players, but not for a few years now.

There's no doubt about it, Crosby is a great player. A bit of a whiner and kinda wimpy, but he is in a category with only a few other current players. So the NHL does have to ride on his coattails to attract fans. Really, who's gonna cheer for OV? Not too many people, unless you're a Caps fan, or maybe Russian.:toothy10:

But one thing for sure. Bettman is an a$$.