Hockey fans

I dont think i said Crosby wasnt good. He is. I can give you a lisst of in my mind some good players now,,,,,,,Nash,,,Whos he got, Malkin,,got some to play with,Ovetchkin, slumping ,dont carefore him still good,Toews great young guy,Brodeur..goalie, Stamkois,St.lois, to name only a few. Sure do they rack up points like Crosby..not really. Wouldnt you take em on your team ..For sure.Crosby is having a great year, he nows were to be and were to pass. Hes fun to watch but like golf concerning wOODS....There are more players out there and we are all human.Betman and his cronies are idiots yes. Theres to many teams and to many players. Thus giving you good players buy themselves pulling the whole team behind them. Look at any team thats doing well and you will find at least one good strong line...not one player trying to carry the load..............IE¨ Torontos one man show...poor bastard, of course this is only my 2 cents:bootysha: