Am i the only one that don't.....

Topics like this always make me want to rant so here goes, and please don't take this personally- I am not judging anyone.

1. I would rather play sports than watch them on TV any day.

2. The idol worship in this country is way out of hand. This includes movie stars and sports stars. We pay someone throwing a ball around or acting millions of dollars a year to have fun and we pay our firemen/police/first responders near minimum wage while risking there lives = this is just a screwed up priority!

3. The average working Joe can not afford to take his kids to a game anymore anyway so why should we watch it on TV. The last Yankee game that I went to cost me over 200 bucks in parking/concessions with my kids and that was with free tickets! The last movie I went to see in the theater ran me 75 bucks with my wife and 4 kids!

4. I don't need the superbowl as an excuse to party and drink with my friends....I do that anyway!

Again, this is only my opinion. I judge not.
