old cars
Back when I was just a wee lad, if a car made it to 100k miles with out the engine or tranny having to be rebuilt, you had a great car.
I have 157k on my Dakota R/T and 118k on my Mustang.
The Mustang has never been tuned up and still has it's original pads.
Last weekend, the original (7 year old) battery started getting weak so it now has the Optima out of the Dart in it...just to keep it charged.
My older brother has an 87 Audi 5000 Turbo Quattro winter beater car with over 260k miles on it and it is still going.
Tighter quality controls, unleaded gas, electronic ignition and fuel injection and computers have made the new stuff a whole lot better....and more fun to work on if it fails.