Picture time! Show off what pressurize's your engine!

dont think you will be able to get the blower belt behind the water pump and alt belts,,the blower belt would probably hit the water pump,and you would have the water pump pully spaced out so far that the bearings and seal in the water pump would wear out,, ill see if i have a pic of my belt set up ,maybe give you an idea of whats its going to look like,, i also have a fluid dampener,,and i have a custom made lower spacer/pully made, you have to mount the water pump pully and alternator to get the correct deminsion for the V belt groove when you have it made,,

thanks that some good advice and i realy apreciate the pics every pic shows some very good details and that you have atention to detail in the whole build,very impressive:cheers:
thing about the belts are that i have a moroso electric waterpump #63565 and its not the crap design with a belt,that i bought just for this purpose its very very flat ,will se if i get to mock this up fairly soon and see how it all fits togheter,in worst case i will put the blowerbelt outside the other belts but im realy trying to push everything back as far as possible,and i realy hope this pump is reliable,i know there is alot of people that run electric waterpumps on the street without trouble but most of them are meziere so this is sort of a gamble that i hope pays of:) yep the pulleys will be the last thing done on this, need to figure out a good way of installing the alternator and powersteering as well but that will be a later problem,i have an idea about how to get it done but since its taken so much time geting the maniold made and such i havent realy had an oportunity to mock everything up right

MadDart that is one filled up engine bay!