Need Help Finding SRT 10 Engine Dimensions

I always seem to forget about -- Thanks for reminding me. . . . Quick search on there is producing a lot of reading.

For those interested: I found (3) good sources for used Viper motors:
X2 Builders

Both have low mile used engine/trans packages that come with everything you (engine, trans, all harnesses, computers etc)
Gen3 - 06 - $8400 -- (That's freaking cheap for 500HP and a 6spd)
Gen4 - 08 - $12600 -- (That's really freaking cheap for 600HP and a 6spd)
(Prices are from XVipers)

If you want to go automatic then you can get a 48RE (auto) out of a Dodge Ram SRT10 -- Built to handle the Gen4 would be $2795, but most of the places will work out a deal on the engine/trans combo if they keep the 6spd.

dont feel bad i forget about all par most of the time my self,, you could call it DEMON-VENOM