Love each other

Today I sit here writing this letter to help all the people here to look arond and really appreciate the people around you and your freinds and family.We ***** about stupid things on this forum,and i can sling it with the best of them.Today is a LIFE awakening day.Today at 4:30am my son and three others all of which 6.3" and over 240 each,where killed in a car accident due to bad road conditions,and black ice,which caused the car to leave the rod and hit a tree,killing them instantly.You learn reall quick what is important in life and how stupid some things are when you look in at the situation or the problem.I think we should look at our selfs and be glad that you have people around us that give a **** to give there appinion to us,even if its a little of center,but they mean well.My son was 25 years old,how made it to junior hockey and had a chance at the big show,but choose to take up cooking.Became a top of the line chef and worked for Circus Du Soliel on tour around the world.In just a breif time at home,his life and three others are gone,and one of the best people I have ever known is gone.You should all take a step back,look at what you have,wheather good or not so good and think of some of the things that COULD happen in just a flash,jusy like what has happen to me today,and really think,is it really so bad.You have people here willing to call you on there dime and help you with your problem,people you have never meet,is life so bad.When you go to sleep tonight,do some sole searching and put your prioritys in order and just love the people around you,and say thank you to them,and remember how quick it can be gone.
Thank you
Jenny & Scott Preston
450 424 0445
[email protected]