Love each other

Scott and Jenny,

I know I'm realtively new here to this site compared to a lot of the members here and I haven't got to know a lot of the people here, but as a member and as a simple human being, I want to say how sorry I am to hear of your loss! I don't have any children of my own so I can't say that I know what you two are going through. No one can for sure, but as I'm sure most if not all of us have at some time in our past, lost loved ones and know the painful sting that it leaves in you heart, I want you to know that we all here are grieving in our own way for you and the loss of your son and the others. I'm the sole survivor of my family and the day that phone call came that my oldest brother was killed in a car accident at the age of 26 will always be a reminder to me of how fast life can be taken away from us. I'm guilty as well of forgetting to let the small crap slide and you're right, it isn't worth crap and tomorrow when I'm driving home from work, I'll make the effort to let the little **** stuff stay at work and give the other guy a break on the highway without cussing him out for driving like an idiot!

Stay close to your wife and surround yourself with your close friends and just let them be there for you if nothing else but to just be there!

My heart and prayers go out to both of you!
