Im tired!

If you should stumble accross one in AZ I MIGHT, let me repeat that, MIGHT, be able to help get it to you. We have enough of a network here it might work. I will be taking a road trip with a buddy sometime next year, just depends on his court crap. My buddy lives in AZ so we will be leaving with an empty trailer. We will be heading to 2 seperate spots, I believe one of them is in the mid-west some where, unsure of the other one. Next time I talk to him I will get the details and talk to him about it....Even if we could not get it directly to you, if we dropped it off at anoher members place it would be that much closer to you. Just a thought. Keep in mind that this is not a guarantee, I recently got in trouble by offering to move a vehicle for someone and it never happened because I have not made another trip to AZ.....