Neat find, 383 4 speed 69 dart gts
Bought a very neat car last week, it's a 69 dart gts 383 4 speed car. Some of you that are moparts may of already heard about it. I've known about this car for the last 10 years from a friend that told me about it. I actually went hunting for it about 8 years ago and never had any luck finding it. I almost forgot about the car now untill I got a phone call from a guy wanting to know what his car was worth. When he started describing the car I knew what car it was. He told me it's a number matching 383 4 speed dart gts that needs to be restored and he said he was looking to get around 2500 to 3500 for it. Once he said that I told him I might be interested in it for that amount and me and my brother jumped in his truck with cash in hand to go buy it. When we got there the owner was gone but the wife was there and told us to go look at it. The car was sitting in a cover it where it had been sitting since 86. The tires were starting to sink into the ground. It was very neat to see it after I heard so many stories about it. The interior was all original and covered in mold. The engine was still in it with a bunch of the correct big block parts on it. It was missing the original manifolds and had a set of the jk headers that were made for it back in the day. I wanted the car after looking at it so I called the owner on his cell. He told he couldnt sell it to me as there was another person coming to look at it saturday and he had first offer. I then knew I lost the car as no one would pass on a 69 dart gts 383 4 speed for the 3k he wanted for it. Sure enough I got a call Saturday afternoon saying it was mine for 3k and instantly left with the trailer to go pick it up.