"CHINA" Christmas

All we've done is fill our shelves and homes with inferior products, our classic cars with inferior steel, and our wallets with devalued dollars......

......and empower the worlds largest Communist nation with the funds and technology to wipe us from the face of the earth if and when they so choose.

I'm thankful for the Grace of God.....and by the way, we were founded in the Name of Jesus Christ, and espoused the principles of Christianity in our founding and laws, but with no official "state religion" ....There's a big difference. All you need to do is READ the words of the founders.

As far as China is concerned, they are NOT our friends, they are NOT our allies, and they are yet the most oppressive nation on the face of the earth. We could use a good dose of 'sanity' here these days, like a MASSIVE Chinese goods boycott and a return to patriotism and nationalism. I know, someone will say it couldn't be done.........it's always impossible with some people, but it AIN'T to a PATRIOT.

Chinese TRASH needs to be put where it belongs. We've sold ourselves down the stinking river far enough in my opinion.