"CHINA" Christmas

Nope. Not gay. But Im a God fearing American that don't take lightly of another person (no matter whatever location they live) stating that my country was not founded by Christian forefathers. Probably just another atheist born website that mo posted. "One Nation Under God" is in our pledge of allegiance by the way.

Just because I live in the south everyone always calls me a redneck. I have friends that are from the north (Ohio) and when they state facts on other forums they get called rednecks because they live SC. We have laughed about this numerous times. Now that shows how much you know. Heck I could have been from the north or Canada and just decided to move down here. So if you moved down here in the south you be a redneck also.... to your standards.

Nope not drunk either... been sober for 9 years now.

I was on topic in post #32 but commented on crossram's post then you opened your mouth! Why don't you get back on topic... Uh no excuse me you never was on topic....... you just come on this thread running your mouth at me.

Im like most Americans at this point in time. True American that are worried about what's happening to our beloved country. It's not looking good for us especially the young Americans.
You want me to "lighten up" but yet you called me a dork! Give me a break!