"CHINA" Christmas

I've been crying about good ol' China for years , and its 'capitalistic-communist' mindset .

We can thank the following for the degradation of the U.S.'s economy :
- Environmentalists
- Clinton
- C.A.R.B.
- S.C.A.Q.M.D.
- Clinton
- Jerry Brown
- Nancy Pelosi
- Clinton

Even if something says it's made in the U.S.A. , doesn't mean it was made by American citizens ; doesn't mean its raw materials are from the U.S. ( just how many operating , functioning steel mills does one see these days ? ) ; and doesn't mean that someone's being paid a decent wage for their efforts .

As far as protesting all this **** that's from China : it's going to take A LOT of true effort and discipline to do it !
Buy used stuff from a thrift store as much as possible ( clothing , etc. ) . Even if the article was originally made in China , the money spent on buying the item(s) as second-hand won't make its way to China again .
Also : DO NOT sell ANY of your Gold items ! The government is pumping-up the value of Gold in order to use it to pay off ****-*** China !
Granted , while this is just a hunch on my part , one cannot ignore the real possibility of something like this happening !

A coup d'etat is the only way to clean house , and rid this once-great country of these environmental control freaks , socialist pigs , coffee house communists , and these dip **** college professors that spread their socialist tripe !