Aluminum Bumper Brackets

Granted I realize I'm not a moderator and my opinion isn't worth much around here, however there is no need for that kind of post on any family (or non-family for that matter) website.

And you sure quoted it so it could be plastered some more. I was upset at the time. I meant WHAT I said, not HOW I said it. I edited my post. You could remove the quote as well since you complained first. Yeah, it was over the top, but I was sittin here last night drinkin shots of Southern Comfort and getting depressed because my stepdaughter got mad at my wife for somethin so ridiculously stupid and we didn't get to see any grandbabies for Christmas. I mean, I moved Heaven and Earth to sell a lot of my stuff for their Christmas and now because my stepdaughter decides to start trailer parkin it again, we don't get to see their faces when they open their presents. Then I come on here and see this stupid guy tryin to pull one over on my friends and I snapped. It pisses me off to no end to see people tryin to take advantage of others. I consider everybody here my friend, whether you're on my "friends list" or not. Some dude wants to come on here and make parts to sell, great. DO IT. Don't give every excuse in the book. Wife had a baby? Congrats to you, but when you're talkin about possibly gettin into somebody's pocketbook, then that's called business and you take care of business no matter WHAT. I've offered to help several members close to me by lettin them come use my shop. I don't them well, but you know what? If they took me up on it TODAY, it would happen. It's not some BS fantasy crap I spew. I will really honestly help somebody. yet some guy like this can come on here, promise people all kinda stuff and people fall all over him. We're a community here if people with like interests. We should be like friends lookin out for each other. Sorry if my post offended, but how would have been feelin about now if you were the one guy who had sent some money on this and never seen a return? You feelin me now?