DOH! Color-blind strikes again.

Im putton together this 318 for my pickup (79 PW) and so I go to the auto parts and bus some more paint. the one can I bought (chrysler blue green color) was not enough to cover the whole thing. So I pick up a couple of cans from the same location on the shelf as before. Put them in a bag and kinda forget about them for a while. Now, Ive gotten to the point where I need to paint the block so I grab the bag with the paint and start spraying the block. Lookin good, man this paint is really covering good im thinking. So I get done and start to put in the pistons/rings/rods so I walk over to get the harmonic damper (previously painted) and I happen to look over at the block under the light. Man, does that look like it is kinda bright bluish color. So I got the dampner in my hand prev. painted with the chrys. color and I hold it up to the freshly painted block: yup, its a different color but not by much as far as I can tell. So I pick up the can of paint and look for the color on the can (not easily read I might add) and of course I had picked up two cans of GM blue. So I guess I'll be goin with it.......doh!!