Buffing Single stage

i used single stage ppg dcc on my demon. it sands ok. its not hard to get flat and smooth,BUT it buffs like IRON. single stage urethane is meant to be a hard durable finish. i used a jitterbug with 1000 grit to get it flat. then went back over it with 1500, then 2000. that still didn t get all the scratches out. i ended up hand sanding for two days with 3000 then buffed. it turned out good, but was too much work.
like 68 said... there are some things u need to consider.
1. if it is metallic.....dont bother with it. you won t like the result.
2. how many coats of paint are on it? if you are sanding out peel...i wouldn t mess with it if there is less than 3 coats on it. you ll probably sand thru. mine had 4 coats.
3. how old is the paint? mine was 2 days old and it still buffed like iron.
i have been painting for over ten years and i would suggest to anyone thinking about single stage to just use base/clear. it is WAY MORE FORGIVING. hope this helps.