Terrible to know

I quit worrying about what Horrywood did with cars a long time ago. I just don't understand the hero worship there seems to be for that stupid *** "General Lee." I wouldn't have one of those things up my $$$. Even the much touted "Bullitt" chase scene is pretty silly. As many times as McQueen shifted that 'stang, it must've had at least a 20 speed box, and the horrid excuse for double clutch action was more than silly.

Horry wood cannot, does not, and never will "get it right. Now that we've got this damnable computerized crap, nothing even looks all that real. One of the worst I've seen was "Flyboys" and the remake of "Flight of the Phoenix" which in it's day was a perfectly good movie.
Pardon me for being young and ignorant, I had no Idea that movie was a remake. And I do love how they have those 20 speed gearboxes in every car you see in "fast and furious":toothy10: