Politically Correct

grumpuscreature said
Too funny!
Personally, I don't mind being called a hillbilly. As long as ya'll want to believe it, that means you won't be here screwing up the way we live. And don't get me started on Rednecks. Both my grandfathers were Rednecks and I'm proud of it. The term started here because the union miners wore red bandannas so they would know who not to shoot during the coal mine wars in the 20's.

You are right my friend and the first person I've run accross who knew where the term "redneck" came from, good one on you buddy. I was born in Kentuck and raised in Appalician region of SE Ohio. Hey, I think I turned out OK, it's like I tell the X brand guys at car shows, "If ya don't like what ya see, then just look the other damn direction !" Also this saying goes, "American by birth, southern by choice." Now I know I don't qualify as living in the south but I like the region and the people, besides those lil southern belles will just charm the socks right off ya.................. :thumbup: