Any mbarrassing stories with your mopar ? haha

In high school, went out on a date with my head football coach's daughter (not the brightest thing I ever did). He gave me the stink-eye when I picked her up and I was legitimately afraid that he would make my life into some type of hell if I brought her home 1 second late, or crying, or too happy, or, lets just say it added a whole new diminsion to the date. Anyway, my dart chose that night to burn out the headlight switch. Luckilly I had these amber fog lights, but there was no moon and a drizzling rain. We had to drive 3 miles up a dirt/gravel road to get back to the blacktop from the spot where we went after the movie (don't ask), then creep back to her house with extremely reduced visibility. I got her home on time (barely), but her dad was not real happy about "puting his little girl in danger". I got in a lot better condition that season thanks to some "special attention" from the whole coaching staff.