Any mbarrassing stories with your mopar ? haha

The first day I owned my 70 Dart, /6 and all, I was showing it off with some friends, and driving through town. There is an intersection right beside the police station, and as we came up to the green light, I looked over at the police station and a cop was in his car, watching me drive by. As I made eye contact with him, I didn't notice the light had gone yellow, so when I looked back, the light was yellow turning red, so I slammed on the brakes (full drums), and slid all the way into the middle of the intersection, and ended up sideways in the middle. Fully embarressed, I just drove away, and surprisingly didn't get a ticket or even pulled over.

Another time, in the winter, I would take the plates off my 1988 Dodge Aries, and put them on the Dart for a half hour, and drive down to the gas station and back just to run it. I got to the gas station, parked it, shut it off. Filled the tank, turned the key, nothing. Dead battery. So I'm stranded at this station, and the only person there, to ask for a jump, is a cop. So nervously, I asked him if he could give me a jump, he agreed, and the car fired up and I was on my way. I quickly drove home, and hopped in the K car to head elsewhere. In my panicked state, I forgot to switch the plates back to the K car, and drove for about a half hour down the highway, people staring at me as they drove by. Went around a round-a-bout, and another cop sitting there watching people! Didn't even notice I had no plate, and I didn't even realize I had no plate until 5 minutes later when it all sunk in. I turned around and took a lot of back roads back home.