HELP! Online PayDay loan!

I know they're awful, but a few months ago a payday loan was all that kept my girlfriend and I in our apartment. Here is my dilemma... They charged me when the loan was due, and it bounced. So in order to collect their fees they keep splitting the total amount due into a couple smaller charges.

I owe $900, so after that bounced they tried 3 $300 charges to see if they could get any of that. When all of those bounced they continue to try over and over. At a $35 fee per bounce by the bank they have eaten EVERY SINGLE DIME I have! Is this legal to split transactions like that?

Due to this I have no money for gas, food, this months rent, and my credit is crashing. I've got a $15 gift card to Taco Bell, I better figure out how to stretch that reallllly far. Also, when I tried to make the Mr. DC shirts for FABO, and the printer wouldn't print it due to copyright laws, but took my money... they still haven't paid me back yet, so I've had to pay about $800 out of pocket to take care of my FABO friends. On top of that, January is my slowest month of the year, I'm going to make a whopping $600 all month. I was supposed to start working at a dealership in January and just got a call they're pushing hiring back to spring. I'm sinking fast and am not sure what to do exactly. I screwed!

Sorry I'm not usually one to post downer threads. Ya'll are all I have to go to for advice with this stuff though. :sad5:

I appreciate the help,