HELP! Online PayDay loan!

Hate to say it, but all you did was postpone the inevitable. Much of this payday loan stuff is barely legal, but that won't stop them. Have a heart to heart with your bank manager, maybe they will reverse the fees if you come clean. Then, straight to credit counseling.

Now, on to more important stuff. How is this affecting you? I've been bankrupt twice, so I know where you are at. This can be very tough on you phsycologically and very likely will bring on some serious depression if it has not already done so. Best advice I can offer is that there will be better days ahead.

Thanks Gryzynx. I appreciate it. I will call my bank tomorrow and see if I can get any sort of help from them.

It's beating me up psychologically. I'm constantly stressed, wake up at night trying to figure out what I'm going to do. I've even had dreams about how I found a way to get everything paid back, then wake up\ believing it's true for about 10 minutes, only to realize nothing has changed, or it's gotten worse.

It's rough, because before 2 months ago I was perfectly fine financially, then I hit a real hard spot. Now that hard spot has drug out all the way until now, and who knows how much longer. I've called some payday debt relief places, they double what you owe and then spread it out over a year. I'm not sure whats worse, or who/what to turn to.

Heck 3 months ago I was supposed to buy a duster shell from AZMopar. I finally just got one small payment off to him this week to try and keep good on my word. Mark is a great guy.